Reflections and Experiences of women in Transition ​


Lehlogonolo HR consulting offer assessment and coaching services to enable individuals, especially women, to deal effectively with life transitions. 

We all go through life transitions daily without even thinking about them. The transitions may seem minor or big depending on our perspective, but they still require us to navigate through them to lead purposeful and successful lives. 

Transition is described as a change from one thing to the next, either in action or state of being—as in a job transition or as in the much more dramatic example of a caterpillar making a transition into a butterfly (Oxford Dictionary).

Lehlogonolo HR Consulting has identified some of the areas of focus when dealing with life transitions which ranges from shifting from normal existence to follow and live one’s dreams to preparation for retirement and re-firement. 


Assessment and feedback to select or promote the best candidate for the job.

Candidates assessment and feedback to identify the strengths and developmental areas of employees

Assessments and feedback for employees moving from junior to senior roles

Assessment and feedback for individuals in a team to transition from ineffective to effective team members​

Use assessment data as insights to guide further development and growth for individuals, teams and for the organization.


Entering the job market for the first time and needing help with preparing a CV that will stand out from the crowd, as well as preparing for the questions that you will be asked during interviews and adjusting to the world of work

Re-entering the job market after spending time at home raising your children or for some other reason

Been retrenched or lost your job and wanting to use this opportunity to start your own business where you call the shots

Dealing with broken relationships and picking up the pieces afterwards​

Preparing for your retirement and re-firement

Our Approach

The process that we follow in our consultation includes responding to the client’s brief or initiating discussions with the client; the client will approve the proposed interventions before services are rendered; project start-up will be put in place; delivery of service and monitoring and evaluation as outlined below:

The client’s need will determine the service offering that we propose. Based on the brief/ client request we will propose appropriate services. The proposal will be send to the client for approval. Once the preliminary approval is granted we will have the meeting/ discussion with the client to clarify the details of the proposal.

When working in a corporate environment, the process is as follows:

Project Start-up- team members will be identified to clarify the roles and responsibilities; the plan will be developed including activities and timelines; and the evaluation of the intervention.


Delivery of services in accordance with the agreed standards. The project updates and matters arising during delivery will be addressed in consultation with the clients.


Monitoring and Evaluation: Feedback from the clients during and after the implementation will provide inputs to further improve our services.

Company History

Lehlogonolo HR Consulting was established in 2002 to create a platform to allow individuals to appreciate and live their lives fully regardless of the transitions they go through and to encourage the organisations that they work for, and their significant others to support them in their personal journeys.

The main services that we offer are assessments and coaching

  • Assessments  and Feedback- various assessments tools are used depending on the individual or corporate need. Once the assessments are completed, the candidate or the relevant stakeholders will receive feedback
  • Coaching- Individual and team coaching is offered to mainly women.

Our Value Proposition

We partner with the clients and offer them services required to meet individual, group/team and organizational goals. Our services empower women to prosper in both personal and corporate lives. The services may be combined or provided in isolation to satisfy the client’s needs. Although some of our services are provided face to face, we also use technology to offer on-line services to accommodate their demanding schedules.


The value to the corporate: select the best candidates for the job; identity the strengths and developmental areas and help in closing the gaps; Identify high potential individuals and prepare them to take on the senior positions; determine the team challenges and support the team to create harmony and collaboration

The value to individuals: Be the best candidates for the job; To be aware of strengths and capitalise on them and actively work towards closing the gaps; take responsibility to succeed in the identified role and be aware of one’s impact on others and nurture relationship. Gain self-insights and coping mechanisms essential to transition from current to ideal state of being. Overall, this allows the individual to live purposeful lives.

Vision statement

To be a recognised partner enabling individuals especially women to effectively deal with life-changing transitions


Our core values include:

Growth of individuals

Integrity in all we do

Passion for outcomes

Collaboration with clients

Authentic service

Mission Statement

Our mission is to offer assessment and coaching services to our clients to enable them to live purposeful lives and meet their business objectives. This is done by leveraging on the internal strengths of individual and collective strength of the organisation to ensure success.


Our key main objectives are outlined below:

  • ·         Help individuals  manage transitions at different stages in their lives;

    ·         Enable individuals  personal change & develop personal resilience;

    ·         Offer assessment and coaching  to support individuals and teams in the workplace; and

    ·         Capacitate individuals and teams to manage change in their private lives and in organisations.

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